Hi! I am Pedro Ondiviela
Creative Developerand this is my CV-Playground
- 3y
Front-end Engineer
Empathy.comar 2021 - presentFront-end Engineer leading tech in the Documentation and web teams (3-4 devs).
FrontTypescriptVueReactD3.jsVuepressReduxVuexNuxtJekyllTestJestCypressBackNode.jsExpressDevOpsGithub actionsAWSJenkins - 1y 2m
UX & Front-end
Empathy.cofeb 2020 - mar 2021Front-end Developer and UX Designer as part of the UX Team. Centered in developing complex layouts and animations.
FrontTypescriptVueVuexReactWebpackNuxtJekyllUX - 5m
Front-end Developer
Capgeminioct 2019 - feb 2020Front-end development with React, Redux, websockets and API REST services
FrontTypescriptReactReduxWebpackBackWebsocketsAPI REST - 1y
UX/UI Developer
DIL SE Estudio Creativooct 2018 - sep 2019Development and layout of custom web pages with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, WordPress, responsive layouts & Génesis Framework. Occasional intervention in the design process, highlighting UX values of the final product.
FrontHTMLCSSSCSSJavascriptWordpressUXBackPHP - 5m
Scholarship in web development
3WAYSmay 2018 - sep 2018Edition and updating of Apps and web pages with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery & Bootstrap. Edition of back and databases with PHP, MySQL y PHPMyAdmin.
Studies & achievements
Bachelor in architecture
Universidad de Valladolid
Master's degree in Interactive Design
Escuela Superior de Diseño de Madrid
1 year Full stack Web Development Bootcamp
5+ years of Front-end experience
Best Overall Enterprise DevPortal + Best Visual Design
DevPortal Awards